Our Process

Great accomplishments can be obtained by many small steps.

We don’t get involved in gimmicks or the latest fad but instead opt for time tested strategies.  This often results in a very balanced approach to making financial decisions.

We have been around the industry for several years and are familiar with many of the financial planning software programs that exist.  We have been exposed to many of the planning type systems that have become more popular in the last few decades and we have also been exposed to some of the more intense insurance based selling systems in industry as well.  This puts us in a nice position to be keen on the pro’s and con’s to each.  Like almost everything else we preach in our process; balance is the key!

Cut once and measure twice is our philosophy when it comes to strategies and risk management.  We like to spend the extra time up front so we know there aren’t surprises down the road.

  • Opportunity cost
  • Interest rate risks
  • Equity market risks
  • Currency valuation changes
  • Longevity
  • Technological obselescense

As you might imagine this list could quite possibly go on for much longer, but these are the largest issues we find we get the most concerns and questions regarding.

Check out the “wealth castle” we use for analyzing opportunities and ideas.

PHASE 1: Kicking the tires

In this phase of our process we are really still getting to know one another to make sure we are a good fit to work together.  We welcome any and all challenging questions and know this leads to better long term relationships!

PHASE 2: Highly tailored to you

In this phase of the process we dive into details on almost any and all topics in the world of finance that are relevant and important to you.  We use what we’ve found in phase 1 to develop cost effective strategies along the way.

PHASE 3: Fostering relationships over time

This is our phase in the planning where we begin to dig into unique needs, roll with market swings, make adjustments as needed and continue to strategize.

Take The Next Step

Speak to one of our advisors today to discuss your specific needs and how we can help you meet your objectives.


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