Estate strategies and techniques

Over the years there have been several occasions where we have ran into some complicated estate tax planning issues that require a bit more time and attention than the average middle income American might need. These issues are usually a case by case basis and handled with care and hiring the right team. We have a great deal of experience in working with attorneys’. The issues usually arise when a clients net worth approaches 5 million dollars or more. We work with several trust teams and can incorporate many complex features into a strategy.

This issue is actually not just for retired people with a large estate, even the small to medium size family can benefit from having a plan in place. Also, one last item to keep in mind is that no plan really means that you are relying on the government (state) to set your plan for you. We usually like to see our clients be in control so often times we encourage clients to consider this before it is too late.

ESTATE inventory guide (FREE resource)

ESTATE checklist

Discliamer:  Innovative Wealth Partners and LPL Financial do not provide legal advice or services. This information is not intended to be a substitute for individualized legal advice.  Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.


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